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Friday, March 11, 2016



It was reported by the Star on 10th of March 2016, that investment by Chinese in Dubai increase 130% for the first nine months alone in 2015 compare to 2013. It was reported that most of the investor weather individual or equity funds are interested to invest in emerging marketing for higher yield and capital appreciation as well as affordable prices.

Malaysian Ringgit (RM) which is at it weakest against the US Dollars which has decreases more than 40% since 2013 make it a very sweet deal for investors to make Malaysia as their investment playground.

Malaysia sharing many similarities with Dubai should bring in investors in ten of thousand. Being a Muslim country just like Dubai, we have a multi cultural society with Chinese being one of the obvious component and the Chinese in Malaysia speak not only Mandarin but other dialects too. Hakka, Hokkien, Cantonese and Hailam to name a few.

Unique and renown architecture building are being display to the world to see. Not only we can built world class building with environment feature which is the trend right at this moment, we can provide exceptional living facilities that give assurance of a enjoyable and peaceful stay.

The Chinese should come and invest in Malaysia as in the near future, their investment will have a good capital gain and out-lay in their investment now is extremely very low considering the weak Ringgit.

Malaysia is a dream come true for foreign investors in putting their money now as it can provide an immediate profit the minutes the Ringgit goes up.  Don’t wait, come quickly to take this amazing opportunity to invest in Malaysia.