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Palm reading is an fascinating subject which i pick up since 1998. Study under the great master of Mr John Benedict from England and Mr Woon Kee Fee has bought me great understanding of the complexity of the human subject. Palmistry is not all about predicting one fate, but an overview of one probably route in this life time. If we understand or had a simple glimpse of what is in store for us, we can make better decision, empower our thought, motivate us and had a better quality of life.

Interview with The Edge
We the student of chirology study the formation of lines, shapes, sign and symbol and decode it into a story. On the hand, had the frame work of each chapter written on it and until today on one person share the same lines, shapes or sign on this planet. That's is why finger print has been used as an identity to a person. 

Palmistry at the 21st century is all about science and reading are all based on skillfully obtained print which is a technology on it own. Not to mentioned the accuracy of calculation on the print with detailed measurement, which is as today an "intellectual property" right of itself.

Interview with the Malay Mail
Interview with the Female magazine

I had since decline all personal interview since year 2004 and no active reading has been done since 2005.

Collecting of interesting Objects