1. Invest what they can afford.
Invest what you have make you feel you are in charge of your
money and booze your confident. It also provide you an immediate property
investment opportunity.
2. Choose location nearer to you.
You be able to gain extensive knowledge of property around
your own vicinity rather that area unfamilar to you. You will also be able to
manage properties easily compare to those that is very far away from you.
3. Choose rentable property.
For investment property, it is best that the property that
you invested in should be favourable for rental with reasonably good tenant
4. Good management of investment monies.
Managing monies is very cruial for investor as how well you
understand the return and how it should be spend on maintenance as well as go
towards payment of bill at the same time the utilization of surplus will make
the investor grow it portfolio steadily.
5. Buy regulary.
Intelligent investor will but regulary. It can be annually,
5 years once or 10 years once. It does not matter but the mode of buying should
be there and form part of an investor habit.
6. Capitalized investment every 8 years.
Being a Malaysian, after 5 years there is no Property Gain
Tax be imposed by the tax department. Usually every 8 years, the property
invested in reasonable good area should be able to have a return of 50% to 60%.