the Ringgit which had hit a nine year low against the US dollar with the report
of testing time of Malaysia political scene, many had posted question about the
viablility and profitablity of investing in Malaysia properties.
Data from Financial
withnessing many round of testing period of the Malaysia property market from
the 1997 Asian financial crisis to the current scandal invoving a state backed
fund which had amassed a unimaginable debt as per report by WSJ and the Edge, the
implementation of GST in April and the measure of Central Bank to increase the
base lending rate together with the revision of the Real Property Gain Tax, Malaysia
property market can still maintain a positive outlook in a long run.
is indeed that due to the fact that now the Ringgit is at it lowest, a drop of
estimated to be 12% in 2014, 18% in 2013 and 24% in 2012, Malaysia now is in
actual fact having a mega sales on all it properties. First class properties that located at the
best of the best location in actual fact become almost 25% off from 2012.
Malaysia - Exchange Rate Data
Exchange Rate (vs USD)
Data from Focus
investors, might nowadays find the property being dished out during launches by
developers are getting more and more expensive as building cost, land cost and
labour cost has indeed increase termendously. It is a fact that in time to
come, property value will have to increase in tandem with the cost of product. But
property investment remain the most secure form of investment with good
reasonable return.
Post report dated 10th of August 2015, Malaysia inflation rate had
been increased to 2.54% year on year in which is the highest year to date. Investing
in property should be a form of hedging against inflation rate in which money
deposited in FD can only bring in about 3.5% of interest.
investment should be of long term in which possible of making a mistake or
judgement in buying the product can be resolve with time, as area can grow from
quiet to vibrant, location can be of outskirt to township, product can be non
popular to be of hype with demand and purchase price might be high but yet it
could be higher with time. As long as the investor are a long term player,
investing in Malaysia property should be able to give a good return to the
is no better time to buy then now as property pick up has been soft since 2014,
most of the products whether newly introduced or from the secondary market has
seen a small decrease in their selling prices.
report by World Population Review dated 24th of July 2015, it is
estimated that by 2020, Kuala Lumpur will have a population of 2.2 million people.
According to the article, many of them is migrating to Kuala Lumpur for better
economical prospect in which it will create a demand for rental property. Now
as it is in the past ten years, rental residential property with the monthly
rental of RM1000 to RM2000 is very much in demand in almost all location with
good infrastructure and transpotation facilities.
you are a Malaysian and has been investing in local property, it is still a
good time to buy as choices are aplenty at the same time, there is a diversified
type of products with different type of prices tag to choose from. If you are a
foreigner and looking to invest in Malaysian propertis, there is no better time
than now as the whole Malaysia is on almost 50% sales!