Today mark the 10 years anniversary of passing of a dear client and friend. I remember vividly the first time, i meet her. She had requested for an appointment to show me details of a piece of land that she wish to sell.
I arrived at a big detached house in Damansara Height and tried to ring the bell. Suddenly the huge gate door swing open wide and i tried to call out for her. Walking into the front yard i cannot seems to see anyone greeting me. Suddenly came this small little lady waving at me and ask me to come in. She said hello and i realize she is not the normal young dynamic client that i used to have. That was 12 years ago. She pass away in her 90's.
Elizabeth Wu with the designer. We recently did a major renovation on the site. Now we can have lunch here with her. |
Being a professional and after much thought, I decided not to do business with her at all. Instead I sought out her wisdom in my daily challenges weather personal or business, she seems to have an answer to everything..... "Don't think, just do, everything will be fine." and i used to think, what kind of answer was that.
Days that i spent in front of her porch, sitting on a rattan chair with one leg up on a wooden stool, make me looks nothing like a dynamic real estate consultant, but those were the days, that she makes you laugh, share her family photos, talk about her life and mainly listening to me grumbling all sort of issue under the sun. She refused to go here there everywhere with me even though I offer numerous time to take her out.... the answer is the same..." I already round the world 3 times, nothing much i want to see anymore"
There were the time when she called me to collect rambutan from her house to bring home and i was horrified and ask her if she climb the tree to pluck those fruits. She said, i am so much dumber that she expected, she is old but not stupid, she hired someone to do that. Oh, what a relived.
The call to her house on Christmas Eve in 2003, was surprisingly answered by her son instead, which confirmed my greatest fear, when Dr Benard informed me of her passing. I was so numb and speechless and like a zombie politely ended the call.
Strangely, I thought of her more than my own mother and I visited her resting place more than my mother too. Probably she was there for me on my bumpy journey.
Madam Wu, me and all your children misses you very much and we all know you are taken care by GOD now.